Monday, December 9, 2013

Oh What a Night!

I had just been consoling a friend of mine, a mom with young children, whose dream Christmas wish would be to have her kids sleep until 7:30pm.  "Don't worry, it will come," I said.  "Mine regularly sleep until 8:30am now and it's GLORIOUS."  I should have known not to brag.
Chris and went to bed at 11pm and were sleeping soundly.  I woke up to someone squeezing my hand and then hysterically sobbing.  It was Sammy.  He barely got out the words about his foot hurting soooo bad.  Not sure why his foot hurting would have woke him up at 1:30am, or what he thought we were going to be able to do to fix it.  Chris told him to get some water and get back to bed.  He walked away, as if his foot felt fine. 
At 3am, I felt the unmistakable weight of a child near my feet.  Luke was trying to crawl into bed with us.  I told him to get back to bed.  Clock check:  3am.  As I laid there trying to get back to sleep, I had a thought that perhaps he had to go to the bathroom and that's why he had woken up.  In my sleep haze, I went to look for him but couldn't find him in his bed.  I did, however, find the dog laying on one of the bottom bunks and he promptly jumped down.  He knows better than that!
Couldn't find Luke anywhere but was too tired to care, so I crawled back into bed.  Ten minutes later, I decided to check again and found him in his bed...and the dog BACK on the bottom bunk.  I gave him a swat on the butt as he jumped down and he howled as if I had just picked him up by the ear.  I told Luke to go to the bathroom and then went back to bed.
I laid there...and laid there...and laid there.  I think it was close to 4am by the time I started drifting.  That was also about the time I started hearing a small voice.  I tried to ignore it, thinking it was part of my oncoming dream.  But it got louder and more insistent.  Finally, at 4:30am I saw lights come on in the boys' room and went in there to see what was going on.
"Guys! Guys!," Luke was shouting to his sleeping brothers. "I saw him COME ALIVE!!!!"  It was the stuffed moose head above the bathroom door.  "He was sniffing and then his mouth started to move and he turned his head to look at me!"  I was far too tired to find this humorous (still am, actually) so I tried to swat the moose head off the wall, while simultaneously yelling at him to get back to bed.  He did, and I did.  Finally.
Chris made the boys breakfast this morning and let me sleep until 9am.  Bless his heart!

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